Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Letter Writing one Personal letter


Teachers: Claudia Jiménez and Pilar Arroyo

Activity nº14

Letter Writing Rules

There are two kinds of letters: a-personal and


Format for a Friendly or Personal Letter

The following picture shows what a one-page friendly or personal letter should look like. The horizontal lines represent lines of type.

Personal letters, also known as friendly letters, and social notes normally have five parts.

1. The Heading. This includes the address, line by line, with the last line being the date. Skip a line after the heading. The heading is indented to the middle of the page. If using preaddressed stationery, add just the date.

2. The Greeting. The greeting always ends with a comma. The greeting may be formal, beginning with the word "dear" and using the person's given name or relationship, or it may be informal if appropriate.

Formal: Dear Uncle Jim, Dear Mr. Wilkins,

Informal: Hi Joe, Greetings,

(Occasionally very personal greetings may end with an exclamation point for emphasis.)

3. The body. Also known as the main text. This includes the message you want to write. Normally in a friendly letter, the beginning of paragraphs is indented. If not indented, be sure to skip a space between paragraphs. Skip a line after the greeting and before the close.

4. The complimentary close. This short expression is always a few words on a single line. It ends in a comma. It should be indented to the same column as the heading. Skip one to three spaces (two is usual) for the signature line.

5. The signature line. Type or print your name. The handwritten signature goes above this line and below the close. The signature line and the handwritten signature are indented to the same column as the close. The signature should be written in blue or black ink. If the letter is quite informal, you may omit the signature line as long as you sign the letter.

Postscript. If your letter contains a postscript, begin it with P.S. and end it with your initials. Skip a line after the signature line to begin the postscript.

Task 1

Write the names of the different parts of the letter in: English,Catalan and Spanish next to the numbers in your activity page.

eg nº1 Heading,encabezamiento......

Task 2

1-Go to this link

2-Have a look at the invitation to the wedding.

3-Go to useful sentences .

4-Read them carefully and choose the sentences you want to use in your letter ,copy them on the activity paper you have for a draft.

5-Make a list of the things you want to do on Saturday with a virtual friend coming from Poland on the activity paper, put them in order of preference and cross out whatever is not necessary.

6-Start to write a letter to your virtual pen-friend inviting him or her to spend the weekend with you in Sant Cugat.(Include the activities you would do onSaturday(carnival,....) and how would you take him or her on Sunday to the airport).

7-Check your spelling using a dictionary.

8-Write it neatly and include a picture of Sant Cugat,Barcelona....etc.

9-Print it and bring it to class.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

FILM ELIZABETH I .How to write a film/movie review.

Teachers: Claudia Jiménez and Pilar Arroyo

Activity nº13

1-Read and understand how to write a film/movie review.

Writing a movie review is a great way of expressing your opinion of a movie.

  1. Relax and enjoy watching the film/movie, take notes if you consider it necessary.
  2. Give your opinion expressing the elements of the film/movie that you enjoyed or disliked. However, the reviewer should also give impartial details.
  3. Who is your audience? You need to consider who is going to read the review.(children, teenagers, adults…)
  4. Give an outline, but don't give away essential details such as the end or any surprises.
  5. Actors. Detail who is starring in the movie and how well you think they acted.
  6. Structure. Did the movie follow a regular predictable story line, or did it get you thinking?
  7. Cinematography and lighting. Give details about how well the movie was shot and directed. Was the lighting good in the moody scenes?
  8. Music. Did the movie have its own score or did it feature songs from popular artists?
  9. Read, read and read. Read and check your review thoroughly. It can be embarrassing to find errors in your work after it has been published. This is especially important for reviews that will be published on the Internet.

Exercise: Brainstorm all your ideas following the tips above.

Read and cross out what you think is not relevant.

Organize your writing putting numbers next to the important ideas.

Start writing sentences.

Link the sentences.

Use a dictionary to correct your spelling mistakes.

Read your work to your group mates.

Write it out neatly and check your punctuation.

You are ready to submit it to the webpage:

Life During Shakespeare's Time(3rdpart)


TEACHERS: Claudia Jiménez

Pilar Arroyo

ACTIVITY Nº__11_____

Life During Shakespeare's Time(3rdpart)

Useful links:


Shakespeare lived during the Elizabethan era (named for the queen at the time, Queen Elizabeth I) or Renaissance Period.

What was life like back then? To find out, follow the instructions and answer the questions.

First: Go to the following link:

Stop # 2

Answer the following questions

11. Money:

a) What were all coins made of?

b) What were the basic denominations of currency?

c) What makes up a pound?

d) What is a crown worth?

12. Duels:

a) What actions were considered a challenge?

b) Why did dueling often take place "out of the way"?

13. The City of London:

a) How did people cross the Thames River?

b) What were streets like?

c) What was emptied out of windows?

d) Why was everyone "tipsy" all the time?

14. The Plague:

The plague was a terrible disease that spread throughout Europe in the middle ages. Within five years (between 1347-1352) it had killed 25 million people. Because smaller outbreaks of the disease continued, Europe lived with the fear of the plague for centuries until it disappeared in the 1600's.

a) Where did it come from?

b) How could it be avoided?

c) How did it effect the theatres during this time?

15. Jesters and Fools:

a. Describe natural fools.

b. Describe artificial fools.

c. What were the jesters/fools like in Shakespeare's plays?

d. What sort of things did they do to entertain?

Life During Shakespeare's Time(2nd part)


TEACHERS: Claudia Jiménez

Pilar Arroyo

ACTIVITY Nº__10_____

Life During Shakespeare's Time(2nd part)

Useful links:


Shakespeare lived during the Elizabethan era (named for the queen at the time, Queen Elizabeth I) or Renaissance Period.

What was life like back then? To find out, follow the instructions and answer the questions.

First: Go to the following link:

Stop # 2

Answer the following questions

5- Occupations: Who would you obtain the following items from

a) books :
b) hats:
c) shirts/smocks :
d) drugs :

If you were noble, what would the following servants on your staff do?

e) Steward

f) Nurse

g) Wet nurse

h) Tutor

6- Heirs & Inheritance:

a) In a family, when the father dies, who inherits everything?

b) What is an heiress?

c) What happens, regarding inheritance in a noble family, when there are only daughters and no sons?

7- Masters & Servants:

a) Where do grooms work?

b) Where do maids or serving maids work?

c) What is a valet?

d) What is the female equivalent of a valet called?

e) What does one's reputation depend on?

f) Who do servants take money from?

g) What is a vail?

8- Filling the Time:

a) What were three common pastimes during the 16th century?

b)Why were theatres only attended during the day?

9. Religion:

a) What was the official established state religion?

b) Read through the definition of Puritanism. What did Puritans believe in?

10. Titles

a) Who gets addressed as "your grace'?

b) How do children address their parents?

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Twelfth Night

Teachers: Claudia Jiménez and Pilar Arroyo

Activity nº12


1-Read and understand the summary you find on:

2-Visit STOP # 4
Underline the most important events, and then cut and paste them on a new document. Save this document in your pen drive to write the summary.

3-Third: write your own summary (10-15 lines).Don’t forget to use linkers and a dictionary.

4th- Answer the following questions.

1. What is Twelfth night about?

2. During what part of Shakespeare's career was Twelfth Night written?

3. What type of play is it?

4. What themes are contained in the play?

5. What does the title of the play refer to?

6. Who is who in the play?

7. Make a list of the most important characters.

Now you will be able to understand the story much better.Enjoy your book!!